Greetings, dear reader!
I’m Lauren, the proud mommy of Eve, a 6 year old girl with a penchant for trying on mommy’s accessories.

I studied psychology and briefly worked in HR, before deciding to pursue my other interests such as DIY projects of all sorts to make my home feel just a bit more unique and my own, writing, baking, urban gardening and more. After a while, instead of relating everything from one friend to another, I decided it would be easier – and a whole new challenge – to start blogging and share my experiences that way!
I’m a big believer in not sacrificing style and identity, even with work and the (joyous) challenges of motherhood, although it took Eve a hot minute to get used to those ideas, judging by her unimpressed look here.

I am a great lover of literature and social commentary at large, though, since tying the knot, my focus has zeroed in on homemaking, familial and romantic relationships, child-rearing and ways to ensure all of the above is happy and successful.
Oh, and a bit of style and self-care never hurt anybody, now did it? In my view, it complements and permeates all my other interests naturally.